Flowers Pictures

Flowers Pictures

A Flowers Pictures, or most likely a selection of carefully placed flowers pictures, with carefully chosen frames and borders can add to the harmony in your office and home. Believers in feng shui, the ancient Chinese practice of the arrangement and placement of objects in space, or space around objects, to achieve harmony with the environment, use it to affect the health, wealth and personal relationships of the people operating within that space.

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Feng shui is closely engaged with nature. When it was first practiced in China over 2000 years ago, it relied on astronomy to find correlations between humans and the universe. Agricultural practice at that stage, and still today in some areas of the world, relied on natural guidelines for agricultural planning, such as planting in accordance with the phases of the moon. Indeed today still, whether furniture is being optimally arranged or Flowers Pictures are being placed on walls, space, weather, astronomy, and geomagnetism are the factors underlying the feng shui decisions made.

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Nature is integral to feng shui. Take the literal meaning of the word, which is "wind-water". In Eastern philosophy, spiritual practice and art, the shapes, textures and colors of trees, plants and flowers have always been central. Using flower pictures in any interior decorating project designed on feng shui lines, essentially brings together several strands of Chinese thought and culture. So many beautiful royalty Free Flowers Pictures are available online now, that can be resized, manipulated and refined and then well-framed to create perfect balance within a room or even a series of rooms.